'All Family Estate Docs & Data. All Here. All Secure.'

The Professional Adviser's Solution for Family Clients


In less than 10 seconds


Who is it for?


More than you know


Less than you think


Absolute peace of mind


Professional Advisers

How to create greater value from an ambitious practice

Whether By Default Or By Design, all clients create and build their family estate — everything they own, less everything they owe — reflecting who they are and what they have achieved; their estate defines them.

During their life span, clients use their estate’s assets to live off and enjoy — it’s a work in progress which, one day, they’ll want to pass on — thinking this way is thinking estate planning.

Consider this: every item in an estate — bank accounts, investments, property, vehicles, valuables, cash flow — has important information relating to it; whether in the form of legal documents, ‘secret’ numbers, or passwords, all items in every estate comprise crucial information, and if loved ones are left not knowing ‘where and what’ they’ll be receiving a tangled mess instead of a bequest.

You wouldn’t want that situation for any client. Because, while estates are made up of material things, legacies are what people remember.
As a member of your advice profession, you have the power to deliver a gratefully acknowledged outcome.
Our mission is to support you turning a necessity into a professionally attractive reality.


2 Case Studies + Next Steps

Neville's Promise

A high-profile lawyer told his wife ‘Don’t worry — all fixed’, so she didn’t, but it wasn’t, so she and the kids are in an expensive mess.

Bronwyn's Dilemma

She run a good business but when her parents passed away the time spent on finding things has demanded a heavy price.

The Solution:
Next Steps

Here’s how we work with professional advisers to add value and reward to their client offering: so that both clients and the practice win greatly.

Download your FREE

Self-Assessment Readiness Review on your Crucial Family / Business Data & Documents.


David H

General Manager

“My spouse and I turned off social media for a while to get ourselves sorted and organised. You’ve not only made the job easy, you’ve also made it fun to do as well. We feel liberated. Highly recommended. Thanks a bunch!”

Diane P

Psychologist, Sydney

“When my sister’s husband passed away, she was in a mess emotionally and logistically. Phil was a good man in every way … but left behind a trail of confusion. When I heard about Now Sorted, I examined its security protocols and then made sure that we got ourselves properly organised. You made it simple and safe. Thank you from both of us.”


Nothing is more important to us at Now Sorted than the security of your stored data and documents. Please see here for our major technical security protocols.
Important differences exist between Now Sorted and other online storage apps. One is the fact that Now Sorted is made, managed and stored on servers in Australia so privacy is governed by Australian jurisdiction. Another major difference is that Now Sorted is, to our knowledge, the only online storage app that, with one click, integrates all stored data and documents into a Crucial Facts Report & Directory. The report comes in the form of a PDF, which is easy for loved ones to read and simple to share as required. There are other subtle differences but being made and managed on Australian servers plus having such a useful reporting mechanism makes Now Sorted unique in the world of secure storage apps.

For vaults not continued after the trial period, all data is automatically deleted after 30 days since the end of the trial. Now Sorted Pty Ltd has no access to data stored on the application system.

We have found that Chrome or Firefox deliver the best results.

Internet Explorer seems to have bugs from time to time that impede efficient usage.

Simple. One of the features of some key drop down menus in Now Sorted is that if an item doesn’t appear on the list, you can simply type in the item you want and it will operate for that particular person in that particular vault.

So, for example, say you had two passports: one for Australia and one for Europe: when you go to the drop down menu in Documents, you will see Passport as an item – but you have two. First, type in Passport Australia and its details (and upload a copy as you wish). Next, type in Passport EU with relevant details (and upload as required).

Problem solved: two different documents of the same type and handled by using the ‘type over’ feature.

Easy. As it should be.


You ask, we answer
Nothing is more important to us at Now Sorted than the security of your stored data and documents. Please see here for our major technical security protocols.
Important differences exist between Now Sorted and other online storage apps. One is the fact that Now Sorted is made, managed and stored on servers in Australia so privacy is governed by Australian jurisdiction. Another major difference is that Now Sorted is, to our knowledge, the only online storage app that, with one click, integrates all stored data and documents into a Crucial Facts Report & Directory. The report comes in the form of a PDF, which is easy for loved ones to read and simple to share as required. There are other subtle differences but being made and managed on Australian servers plus having such a useful reporting mechanism makes Now Sorted unique in the world of secure storage apps.

For vaults not continued after the trial period, all data is automatically deleted after 30 days since the end of the trial. Now Sorted Pty Ltd has no access to data stored on the application system.

We have found that Chrome or Firefox deliver the best results.

Internet Explorer seems to have bugs from time to time that impede efficient usage.

Simple. One of the features of some key drop down menus in Now Sorted is that if an item doesn’t appear on the list, you can simply type in the item you want and it will operate for that particular person in that particular vault.

So, for example, say you had two passports: one for Australia and one for Europe: when you go to the drop down menu in Documents, you will see Passport as an item – but you have two. First, type in Passport Australia and its details (and upload a copy as you wish). Next, type in Passport EU with relevant details (and upload as required).

Problem solved: two different documents of the same type and handled by using the ‘type over’ feature.

Easy. As it should be.

Our happy clients


David H

General Manager

“My spouse and I turned off social media for a while to get ourselves sorted and organised. You’ve not only made the job easy, you’ve also made it fun to do as well. We feel liberated. Highly recommended. Thanks a bunch!”

Diane P

Psychologist, Sydney

“When my sister’s husband passed away, she was in a mess emotionally and logistically. Phil was a good man in every way … but left behind a trail of confusion. When I heard about Now Sorted, I examined its security protocols and then made sure that we got ourselves properly organised. You made it simple and safe. Thank you from both of us.”

David H

General Manager

“My spouse and I turned off social media for a while to get ourselves sorted and organised. You’ve not only made the job easy, you’ve also made it fun to do as well. We feel liberated. Highly recommended. Thanks a bunch!”



Now Sorted is the solution to the question all spouses ask:

“If you hadn’t made it home safely last night, how would I know where everything is, and how it all fits together? Seriously, how would I know?”

It is an extremely secure online vault, designed, owned, and managed on servers in Australia: one place for all data and documents important to a family.


Who is it for

Now Sorted is for the practical who aspire to more than lip service when it comes to family matters.

Clients of Now Sorted want certainties, not ‘maybes’.

Users include all who wish to ‘sleep at night’: those in the advice professions seeking to add genuine client value — plus any seeking a ‘direct’ solution to which they may invite their professional advisers.


Without a secure system With Now Sorted
SecurityOpen to theft, fire, loss etcFully secure
ConvenienceTry to get info from multiple sources, using hundreds of passwords and loginsOne place, accessible from anywhere with one login
Key InformationSearch papers, records and office files to get the information neededThe one-click Crucial Facts Report & Directory collates all information into a handy PDF
ShareLeave your loved ones a box folder of papers, another to your accountant, yet another to your lawyerShare key info with family members or professionals

15 Now Sorted Benefits

  1. Ten high level security protocols and full encryption make this online vault extremely secure.
  2. Each vault is the perfect repository for safely storing vital family data and documents.
  3. The one-click Crucial Facts Report & Directory collates all information into a handy PDF.
  4. Business Users have vault space for unlimited client families.
  5. Personal Users have unlimited space for their own family.
  6. No limits to the number of family members, generations, or related entities (e.g. trusts).
  7. Family data, including passwords and secret numbers, accessible anytime, anywhere.
  8. Seven separate tabs make collating family data and documents a very easy process.
  9. Only Users may see inside their vault unless they specifically permit others.
  10. Data can be sent between Users safely in encrypted format.
  11. License fees are kept extremely low and Affiliates pay zero.
  12. Affiliates have their own portal to see all activities.
  13. We can white label for a nominal outlay.
  14. Strong support including short How-to videos and e-books.
  15. Free introductions to professional legal advisers.


Far less than you ever imagined

Having every essential family document and piece of information accessible in an instant is priceless; whether for a routine need, or upon a significant event such as fire, flood, or farewell. Priceless.

Because it is that important for families — and our cost arithmetic is based solely on numbers of families — we have kept costs to an absolute minimum.

Cost for Affiliates is zero; Business Users (unlimited families) pay $19 p/family, p/month; Personal Users (a single family) also pay a mere $19 p/month. That’s it.


No. 1 Priority = Peace of Mind

From ‘Day One’ the highest priority we have ever had — or ever will have — is integrity of online data and documents.

We abide by no less than 10 stringent security protocols (plus a highly secret 11th); a link to these protocols is listed under the Benefits section and also here.

Nobody — nobody — other than the owner of a vault can see inside it (unless they specifically give permission) and certainly nobody at Now Sorted can see inside a vault.