Now Sorted. All oour important data and documents organised, secure and accessible
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Providers of professional advice – lawyers, accountants, financial planners –  already know >

  • a rapidly ageing population needs professional advice to address situations they’ve never faced before;
  • helping such people opens up compelling opportunities to expand the reach of the practice;
  • this easy-to-use engagement tool is a major step in assisting clients to be well-organised and ready for ‘the unexpected’.

Why? Because you are able to deliver the unique ‘It’s all here and it’s all safe’ solution for crucial family data & documents.

Now Sorted facilitates two-way dialogue, uncovers fresh common ground and is the ideal foundation to add significant value.

We confidently predict that after a six weeks free trial, you will be delivering expanded fee-based services to delighted clients.

And, yes, Now Sorted is super secure … for details, click here.

Now Sorted Brand

Now Sorted Branded
$ 19 Per Family / Month
  • 5 families starter pack = $95/month
    thereafter order families as needed.
  • Now Sorted branding.
  • You get 6 weeks free trial.

White Label

Your Brand
$ 19 Per Family / Month
  • We white label to your exact requirements.
  • You simply start with 20 families
  • We make it easy for you.

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